You want to create a project in zellige? We are at your disposal to answer your questions and propose you our range of collections and artworks in Moroccan tiles.
All zelliges are handmade, according to the traditional Moroccan art, by mâalems craftsmen. Each tile is unique and, put end to end, this mosaic offers you a real story, between culture and contemporary design.
We offer you a complete customization, while planning your project, both in time and in its creation. We have a wide range of colors, but also finishes, sizes and shapes. Whether in enamelled, chiselled or raw zellige, we offer you a wide variety of choices, to adorn your interiors and exteriors.
Tell us about your project, we will be happy to answer you and propose our collections.
In order to answer your request as precisely as possible, please complete the form below. A catalog is available on request.
+41 78 695 0 9 91 | +33 6 25 28 13 68
12 Rue de Montbrillant, 1201 Geneva - Switzerland